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Industrial Vacuum Cleaners Are Used in Industrial Chemical Production

Ⅰ. Application of industrial vacuum cleaners in industrial chemical production

Industrial vacuum cleaners are widely used in chemical production. In some basic chemical industries such as sulfuric acid and synthetic ammonia, dust collectors are regarded as key equipment. With the rapid development of the chemical industry, especially the increasingly large-scale equipment, it is highly efficient in energy recovery, gas purification, catalyst recovery and air pollution prevention projects.

1. Purify the dispersion medium. For example, if there are solid particles in the feed gas of the catalytic bed reaction, it will seriously affect the performance of the catalyst. It must be removed with an industrial vacuum cleaner before the feed gas enters the reactor.

2. Recovery of dispersed substances. For example, the gas sent out from a fluidized bed reactor generally contains many catalyst particles. In order to reduce costs and protect the environment, these catalysts must be recovered. Another example is the recovery of solid products from the airflow of drying and other processes.

3. Purify exhaust gas. Before the exhaust gas is discharged during production, the solid particles should be separated as much as possible for comprehensive utilization and environmental protection.

4. Eliminate the danger of explosion. Certain carbonaceous substances and metal fine powders can form explosive mixtures when mixed with air, so explosive substances should be removed before mixing.

5. Protect follow-up equipment. For example, the fine dust particles contained in the gas must be removed by an industrial dust vacuum machine before the raw gas enters the large centrifugal compressor of the ammonia synthesis plant to ensure the safe operation of the compressor.

Ⅱ. The reason why the industrial vacuum cleaner has no suction

The state of the fuselage is not sealed: the working principle of the industrial vacuum cleaner is to turn the inside of the fuselage into an air field environment with strong pressure under the action of the motor, and then release the dust and waste into it through the release of an outlet, so only guarantee The interior is a pressured environment to have suction. If the industrial dust vacuum cleaner is in an unsealed state, that is, it is not sealed well, then naturally this pressure cannot be generated, and naturally there will be no suction, so check the industry before each use. Is the vacuum cleaner tightly sealed?

Filter clogging: Industrial vacuum cleaners are really afraid of filter clogging. Generally, in order to prevent filter clogging, we will clean it by back blowing dust vibration and electric vibration dust. The motor will burn out after a long time. In this case, the motor manufacturer does not support the claim for damage to the motor. In order to prolong the service life, please cherish the industrial vacuum cleaner you bought and clean it regularly, which only needs simple operation.

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